Williams and Williams - Arenas, Gallops and Indoor Riding Schools

David Williams is the son of a farmer who started riding at the age of six and attended the local pony club. He diversified into all weather arenas many years ago. He has many years experience and specialises in good drainage and attention to detail. His numerous satisfied customers include top class equestrian riders, both event and dressage riders, including horse trainers who use our all weather gallops.

Through experience, we realised that conventional riding surfaces were becoming outdated. They rode deep and involved high maintenance. We decided to make a range of surfaces that used silica sand pre-mixed with various synthetic fibres and small rubber granules that give a root like structure that holds the horse on top.

Our experience with Manéges and All Weather Gallops stems from a combination of over 20 years knowledge in land drainage and 15 years of horsemanship including dressage and show jumping. This together with attention to detail and using the latest laser levelling equipment and with our own dedicated workforce you can be sure that your Manége, Arena or Gallop will give you trouble free use for many years.

Drainage is the essential foundation of any surface, and attention to detail is our speciality. Clean stone and the correct use of the specialist membranes assure years of trouble free usage. In many years of business there has not been a single flood to date. It is false economy to allow a local builder to lay the foundation for your arena. Although critically it may appear to be cheaper, if it doesn`t work it is very expensive to rectify, as many dissatisfied customers have experienced to their cost.

All fencing posts are concreted in and will remain aesthetic to the eye for many years. All timbers are pressure tanalized for maximum longevity. All gate furniture is galvanised (gate 3.6m Wide). Posts are 150mm x 75mm. Rails 100mm x 38mm. Kick boards are 150cm x 38cm and 150mm above finished surface.

Silica Sand
Silica sand has no bearing on the fact that it is any good for horses to perform on, all it means is that sand is free of clay. It`s the structure of the sand that`s important and how the particles knit together. If you use the wrong sand your horse will just plough through into the surface, making it impossible to use. In fact, there are only four sand quarries in England that are suitable for all weather arena usage.

Membranes have been talked about for many years and have had a lot of bad press. Especially when a deep riding surface has been installed and the riding surface has not been maintained. The ideal type of riding surface is one where the horse rides on top and not through the surface. Blinding is not that successful because if the blinding has got too much fine particle size it may not drain, and if there is not enough, the top layer of stones will get through to the top of the riding surface. Williams & Williams use a membrane between the soil and stone sub-base as well as a special non-woven heat-sealed membrane between the sub-base and the riding surface.

Williams & Williams have a team of dedicated staff who take pride in their work using our own machinery with the latest technology. This ensures that each layer is done with pinpoint accuracy. We never sub-contract out our work. All our machinery has low ground pressure tracks and tyres to reduce damage to the sub-base.

Multi washed Equestrian Silica & PVC Granules
This surface has been around for many years and can tend to ride deep. It is ideal for budget arenas with minimal use. It does need constant maintenance.

Multi washed silica sand & Rubber Chips

This general purpose surface is recommended for small to medium stable yards. It also needs regular maintenance.

Stable Track - Premix
This is multi washed equestrian silica sand with long and short polyprolene rayon and polyester fibres, with small particles of rubber to help bind the total mix together. With its root like fibre structure, it keeps the horse riding on top with a turf like give. This surface can alleviate jarring the horse`s joints, unlike some dead surfaces, and has a minimal kick back.

Stable Track Pro
This mix is the same as stable track premix, but with the added fibres and latex fibre for added spring and feel.

Stable Felt Bale
This is a pre-chopped felt like material. It is rot proof in compacted bales to stabilize deep horse riding sand only arenas. Simply cut the bale and spread, then rotovate into the top 80mm of sand. For 40 x 20 arenas you would need around eight bales.
